I’m a cripple with attitude:
why should I feel any gratitude
at being unremittingly viewed
as having no right to be valued?
The council sends me letters it knows I can’t read;
but it makes no attempt to meet my need.
I‘ve told them and told them I’m registered blind,
and I need larger print, if they’d please be so kind?
They don’t bother to even pretend that they care:
they just shrug and lift their hands in the air.
Of caring and empathy there’s not a hint
when they keep on repeating “We can’t do large print.”
They won’t tell me how my rent account stands,
cos “we can’t do large print, so it’s out of our hands”.
They screwed up my rent and the first that I knew
was getting a Notice to Quit out of the blue.
(Funny how they managed to do that letter in large print!)
But I’m a cripple with attitude:
when I meet this response I get rather rude –
I’ve asked, I’ve insisted, I’ve fought and argued,
but everything I say has just been pooh-poohed
Is the council really so poor
that it can’t afford the gear to ensure
that all of its tenants can access with ease
its ongoing snowstorm of forms and decrees?
They’ve told me, get someone to read it for me –
why can’t I just ask my family?
Cos I live alone – Oh, so where are they?
A long walk, two train- and three bus-rides away.
(if it’s any damn business of theirs where my family live)
Well, why don’t I knock on my neighbour’s door
to see if they’ve time to do the chore?
Yeah, give all of my personal details away
so they can ignore the DDA
But I’m a cripple with attitude:
my eccentricities don’t include
letting a total stranger intrude
into my personal solitude
It’s been the law since ’ninety-six
that they have to take the steps to fix
problems that rise when people like me
can’t see what you “normal people” can see
What do they care if that’s the law?
why should they bother to do more?
I’m disabled, with no right to privacy,
any more than I have to dignity
I’ve lost count of the times that I’ve fought this fight
to be seen as a person in my own right –
to be treated with common courtesy
as a paid-up member of humanity
But I’m a cripple with attitude:
and I won’t give them any latitude.
The DDA was designed to preclude
the prejudices that they exude.
I have to grovel, to pray and to plead
to get anything that I can read –
something that you all can do with ease
I have to beg for on bended knees.
Oh, they don’t mean to treat me with aversion –
but let’s be honest, I’m not a real person:
I’m disabled, so how could I expect
to be treated with even a hint of respect?
Are they incompetent, stupid or lazy?
whichever it is, it’s driving me crazy
I can’t cope with all the stress they’re giving –
It ruins my life (if you can call this living).
But I’m a cripple with attitude:
and I’m sick of the pious platitude
that as a cripple I should be subdued …
but I return to the fight with my spirit renewed.
In the 21st century
I’m still having to grovel for charity;
for the council to get off its arse to ensure
that all of its staff know, and comply with, the law.
I want to live in dignity,
not have to get someone to read for me.
I want to live my life my way,
not have to give all my secrets away.
Can you imagine living like this?
With a council that’s constantly taking the piss?
I’m disabled but they make me a cripple;
I’ve problems enough but they make them triple.
But I’m a cripple with attitude:
if they want a fight they’ve found the right dude.
One thing I can say with certitude …
they’re the ones that will find themselves screwed –
cos I’m a cripple with attitude!
080929 2320
081120 0115
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