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London, England, United Kingdom
I'm severely visually impaired [so be gentle with my typos!] and have an inoperable injury to my lower spine: apart from that, I'm as miserable as the next person! That's not my real star-sign on my profile, but my dad died on my birthday in 2001, so I now share his

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Let’s all do what Jesus did

Listening to a radio programme on the ongoing row about women priests and bishops, a woman said that there shouldn’t be women priests “because Jesus didn’t have female disciples”.

My initial reaction was disbelief that a woman had said this (but then, there’s no lower limit to what garbage anyone can be brainwashed into accepting and regurgitating on demand), but then I began to think.

So, true Christians have to do “what Jesus did”?

Let’s look at “what Jesus did”:

He was Jewish
He was circumcised
He obeyed the Torah
He probably spoke Aramaic
He never ate pork
He wore a long robe and sandals, but his clothing was never of mixed materials
He was a carpenter
He walked everywhere, or rode on a donkey.
Given that this was over two thousand years ago, standards of personal hygiene were probably pretty low – and there were no running water or indoor toilets.

So, to do "what Jesus did," a “true Christian” would have to be:

Jewish, circumcised, abstain from pork, obey the Torah, become a woodworker, wear a long robe (but not of mixed fabrics) and sandals, sell their car and never use public transport or get a lift from friends but walk everywhere, use a hole in the ground as a toilet and bathe about once a year.

How many "true Christians" do all of that? or even any of that?

And priests?

Jesus chose his disciples from common people, who were very likely semi-literate (apart from Matthew; a tax collector can be expected to be literate and numerate).

They’d have had no special education, no university degrees – they all got their hands dirty with manual labour. They didn’t wear clothes to advertise how special they thought they were, that shouted “Hey, look how holy I am!”

Jesus chose his disciples from the men of his country - there’s no mention of any of them being Black, Asian, Oriental or Caucasian.

So, as "Jesus didn't do it", all Black, Asian, Oriental and Caucasian priests should be ejcted from the priesthood.

Every Christian priest should be a Jew born in the Middle East – after all, that’s “what Jesus did”.

Would a Christian stand up and say that Black men should be barred from the priesthood because “Jesus never had a Black disciple? Or that a Chinese man should never be ordained because “Jesus never had Chinese disciple”?

Of course not! That’s discrimination against MEN, and we can’t have that! 

But discrimination against women, for exactly that same reason, that “Jesus didn't do it” is perfectly acceptable – it’s only against women, and what do they matter?

What an amazing coincidence that the only time that they must do "what Jesus did" is when it comes to  keeping the religious hierarchy as a smug boys-only club!

Some are so pants-wettingly afraid of losing the tiny scrap of authority that they think they have that they’ll change their religion rather than face up to their bigotry, admit it for what it is, and work to change it.

Cowards and hypocrites!!!!

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