About Me

My photo
London, England, United Kingdom
I'm severely visually impaired [so be gentle with my typos!] and have an inoperable injury to my lower spine: apart from that, I'm as miserable as the next person! That's not my real star-sign on my profile, but my dad died on my birthday in 2001, so I now share his

Friday, 23 April 2010

Video: Boat trip to Greenwich

This was created by a visually-impaired person for other visually-impaired people to watch, so the text is probably bigger and slower than you might be used to.

It was my first effort at using Microsoft Movie Maker, hence the reference to "frequent swearing" in the end credits! It's always so much fun to do something when you can't quite see well enough to make out the tiny elements you're supposed to be working with ...


  1. Swearing or not...Bloody good film,made me homesick for the river.

  2. Sorry! would have answered befpre if I'd seen your post - severe PC probs, plus I've been on a different planet for a while. but mostly I still prefer this one ... Thanks for your comment, encourages me to dig out some more vids and give them an airing
